Looking for a Residence Permit with Company Registration in Europe? Let us find your next ….

All people who have decided to Immigrate on the basis of a business to Europe are wondering “Which legal form to choose for doing business in Europe?  COMPANY REGISTRATION IN EUROPE

We will be glad to help you start a business in Europe, even if you are not in Europe. It will help you to save time and money. We will start to prepare all necessary documents for company registration in Europe immediately, when Client orders our services. Find all conditions and process of company registration in this article.

If you have decided to register a new European company and start your business in Europe with your desired company name (which can be only in European or Latin languages), then it will take 1 week longer than buying an already established European company. Such company is usually bought by a customer who has already operated business in his/her country and wants to set up and register businesses in Europe with the same name.

If you intend to engage trading in Europe, your company will have to have a VAT (value added tax) code, which is provided by the European State Tax Inspectorate.

The Available Companies Registration are available Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Malta. For Other Countries you can ASK.


1.         This will take 4-6 weeks to complete all the documents and registration and send you documents for applying the visa

2.         After Arrival 4 weeks need to get the Residence Permit.